My brother recently asked me what my definition of “woke” was because I so exuberantly expressed that “woke” I was not. He then pulled out his phone and read a definition of “woke” which went something like this, “…aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social injustice)…” He said that it was a belief that he could stand behind. I agreed that as a definition this sounds well and good, who doesn’t want to be an individual who’s become aware of social injustice and discrimination. This is something that I would be a part of as well and until recent years did indeed refer to myself as “woke”.
However, this hasn’t been my experience with “woke” individuals over the last few years. Quite the opposite in fact. If I were to create a definition of what I believe “woke” to be presently, it would go something like this…:
Individuals who’ve come to believe that identifying as a victim is virtuous, who often have unresolved trauma and shame from their past that they project as progressive and develop characteristics and ideologies that propagate their denial rather than help them heal. Consequently, they are frequently verbally and occasionally physically aggressive and gaslight anyone who has a different opinion than they do and will attempt to shame the opposing person personally rather than engage in intellectual and spiritual dialogue, all while claiming that their opponent is the one being aggressive and hateful.
If you happen to be a confident, self-assured person, who’s done the work and doesn’t require other people’s approval to live a happy healthy life, they label you as a narcissist. If you believe that an individual’s emotional response to something is their responsibility to own, you are labelled as uncompassionate and hateful. If you believe that free speech is pivotal, even when it’s contrary, you are heartless. If you talk about God they label you a “crazy Christian” as though Christianity were the only understanding of God. If you have the intelligence, fortitude, and courage to speak openly and honestly about your opinions in an articulate and respectful manner, but that are contrary to the “woke” you are an all-around bigot and should shut the fuck up and die. The less offended you are by their aggression, the more aggressive and personal the attacks become and move farther and farther away from the initial trigger.
The woke back you into a corner, come at you with a knife, and stab you in the shoulder, blame you for their violence and when you retaliate by grabbing their arm and pretzelling them to the ground in a jujitsu move, they call you the aggressor. If that’s not gaslighting I don’t know what is.